Aktivity / Activities

O mne / About Me

there should be a person

Vitajte na stránke. Stránka slúži len ako názorná ukážka. Prípadné otázky smerovať na kontakt uvedený v životopise.

Welcome to my website. This webpage serves as a demonstration of my works. Any questions please seek the contact details in my CV.

Moja práca / My Work

Zopár nedávnych projektov.

Some of my latest projects.



A draft from my CV

Year Title Where
2020-today Application Tester IBM Slovakia
2017-2020 CIO Security Specialist IBM ISC
2015-2017 Supply Chain Operations Professional IBM ISC

Other activities

Year Title Where
2019-2020 Upskill project - IBM XPFarm Multi-level upskilling guild specifically designed for developers
2018-2019 O₂ Športová Akadémia Mateja Tótha webpage administration (maintenance) in WordPress
2017-2018 Superlienka Kindergarten webpage administration (maintenance) in WordPress